Top 5 .CO.KE Domain Registrars in 2022

The .CO.KE is the most popular domain name used in Kenya. It is provided by KeNIC registry through the various domain registrars in Kenya. Other third-level domain names in the Kenyan ccTLD are:

  • – for Companies
  • – for Not-for-Profit-Making Organisations or NGOs
  • – for Network Devices
  • – for Government Entities
  • – for Institutions of Higher Educations
  • – for Lower and Middle Institutes of Learning
  • – for Personal names
  • – for Mobile content
  • – for Information

Why Choosing The Right Domain Registrar Is Important

The registrar is a company that manages the registration of Internet domain names. When you set up a website, you need to register your domain name with a registrar, in order to make it available online.

a). They keep your domain records

The registrar is responsible for keeping your domain records, including the contact details of the owner and administrator. They also store important technical information about your domain, such as the nameservers that are used to route traffic to your website.

b). They handle renewals

Your domain registration needs to be renewed every year, and the registrar is responsible for handling this process. They will send you reminders when your domain is due for renewal, and they will handle the payment on your behalf.

c). They provide support

If you have any questions or problems with your domain name, then you can contact the registrar for support. Most registrars offer 24/7 customer support, so you should be able to get help whenever you need it.

d). They offer additional services

Some registrars also offer additional services, such as web hosting and email. This can be convenient if you want to buy everything from one company, but it’s not essential.

List of Top 5 domain registrars

There are hundreds of domain registrars that are licensed by KeNIC. The top five registrars for the year 2020 in terms of volume of domains sold and cheapest pricing are:

#1. Truehost Kenya

Truehost is the leading cloud computing service provider in Kenya and the top .ke domain registrar in Kenya. The company offers the cheapest domain registration and renewal prices, as well as other associated services such as web hosting, cloud servers, SSL certificates, and cloud backup services.

Why Use Truehost Cloud

  • The leading domain registrar in Kenya
  • Lowest prices for both domain registration and renewal
  • 24/7/365 support via phone, email, and live chat.
  • Free web hosting for one month
  • Free SSL certificate for every domain hosted with Truehost Cloud

#2. Kenya Website Experts

Kenya Website Experts is one of the oldest domain registration companies in Kenya. It offers the following services:

  • Domain name registration
  • Web hosting services
  • SSL certificates
  • Web design service

The company offers domain at affordable prices.

#3. Sasahost

Sasahost is also one of the top domain registration service providers in Kenya, serving many corporate clients in Kenya. It offers a wide range of packages for web hosting, all of which come with a domain name. Other services offered besides domain include:

  • Web hosting
  • SSL certificates
  • Servers.

Sasahost is the third biggest provider of domain in Kenya.

#4. EAC Directory

EAC Directory is the oldest provider of domain name in Kenya, and also operates in other countries in East Africa. It is the fourth largest domain service provider and has hosted some of the largest and oldest companies in Kenya.

Some of the services they offer include:

  • Web hosting
  • Domain name registration
  • Web security services

#5. Safaricom Domains

Safaricom is the top telecommunication company in Kenya, offering mobile telecommunication services and the world acclaimed M-PESA service.

Safaricom domains service is their arm that offers domain name registration and web hosting service. Though their prices are high, they have packages that are suited for different budgets.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Domain Registrar

There are many domain name registrars to choose from. However, not all registrars are created equal. Some offer better services than others, and some have more experience than others. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a domain name registrar:

a). Reputation

The registrar should have a good reputation. There are many fly-by-night companies that claim to offer domain name registration services, but in reality, they are just out to scam you. Make sure you do your research and choose a registrar that has been in business for many years and has a good reputation.

b). Customer service

The registrar should offer excellent customer service. If you have any problems with your domain name or website, you should be able to contact the registrar and get help right away. The company should also offer 24/7 support so you can always reach them if there is an issue with your website.

c). Pricing

The registrar’s pricing should be competitive. There is no reason to pay more than you have to for your domain name. Make sure you compare prices before choosing a registrar.

d). Extras

Some registrars offer extras, such as website builder tools and email accounts. These can be helpful if you are new to building websites or do not have experience with coding. However, they are not essential, so don’t choose a registrar solely based on the extras they offer.

e). Experience

The registrar should have experience with the type of domain name you want to register. For example, if you want to register a .com domain, make sure the registrar offers this service. Some registrars only offer certain types of domains, such as country-specific domains or new generic top-level domains (gTLDs).

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