Why Is WebHost Kenya Becoming So Famous? Find Out Now

As you are doing research on web hosting companies in Kenya you might have heard of WebHost Kenya. 

This is a limited internet solution company that is offering website solutions to individuals, SMEs and other companies. 

As a company, they have a sole mission to enable other companies or individuals to get a secure and reliable online presence for global recognition. 

They are growing in Kenya, as they are based in Nairobi and help their clients to create, host, and also maintain websites.   

Why Choose Webhost Kenya as your Hosting Provider

  • They believe that hosting solutions are only as good as the service that accompanies them.
  • WebHost is willing to go above and beyond for each and every client.
  • Create good products.

Talking about products lets have a look at what they offer:

Webhost Kenya Products and Services


As the name suggests they have excelled in this service. They have four hosting plans for a client to choose from. 

While choosing these plans here are added features they offer 


While choosing where to buy a domain it is wise for you to research all other web hosting companies in Kenya and you might find better prices than what they offer depending on the extension you want. Price ranges from one company to another.

what domain name can I register through Webhost Kenya?

You can register domains in Kenya with any of the following common extensions in addition to over the 300 new generic TLDs now available

co.ke or.ke ac.ke ne.ke go.ke .me.ke .sc.ke .net .org .biz .info .name

This is the price range for web host Kenya.


Today’s businesses need end-to-end data protection that makes recovery reliable, secure, and efficient.

Webhost Kenya has ventured to integrated comprehensive data protection solution for companies with cloud backup, also known as online backup.

This is a process whereby storing a copy of data from a company of all types and locations to an off-site server usually hosted by a third party like WebHost. 

Webhost charges a fee based on capacity, bandwidth, or number of users.

Here is a cloud pricing plan they offer:

cloud storage pricing

With the growing need for websites in Kenya WebHost has capitalized on this giving customers opportunities to own a website by developing for them. 

Even though on the emergence of free website builders like OLITT and Wix there is also a need for website customization to companies need. 

They have three basic plans for websites.

website pricing

Webhost Kenya Contact

This is how you contact Webhost Kenya 

Phone: you can call the company using the following numbers +254 700337799, 0733 808 890,  0728 787 401, 0737 919 204

Live chat: on their website www.webhostkenya.co.ke you are given a pop-menu to talk to one of their customer support representatives. 

Contact form: on the website also they give you an option to use a form where you key in personal details and once submitted the company calls or emails you to help with what you need. 

Webhost Kenya Best Alternatives

whenever you want to choose a hosting company it is always important to check all the available options and the best suited for your website.

And that is what I am trying to give you here at Tech&Butter.com, a place to do all your research and hopefully make better decisions.

Here’s your list (click to read what I think about the company)

I will be adding others as they come.

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