Nuru: Story, Founders, Investors & Funding Rounds

Nuru, which means “light” in Swahili, describes their goal to spark and speed up the huge human potential in Congo by meeting the connection needs of 5 million happy customers.

Connection is a big problem in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Nuru is a startup that is working to fix that.

In 2017, Nuru set up the first solar-powered mini-grid in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They now have a 1.3 MW commercial solar-plus-storage hybrid site up and running in Goma, North Kivu.

Additionally, Nuru plans to add 14 MW to its infrastructure for renewable energy in DRC.

Nuru Makes mini-grids to give cheap, reliable power to the people of the Congo.

The company’s mini-grids give commercial and industrial off-takers in Congo access to clean energy through solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery storage. These mini-grids are built using the best practices for building solar micro-grids.

Nuru is a company to look into if you care about the environment and reusing resources.

The goal of the mini-grids that Nuru is making is to make electricity in the Congo easier to get and cheaper.

Using the best practices for building solar micro-grids, the company’s mini-grids are powered by solar PV and have battery storage, giving commercial and industrial users in Congo access to clean energy.

How it Works

According to G2 Stack, Nuru uses 9 different technologies. HTML5, Google Analytics, and jQuery are some of these technologies.

The Nuru website uses 28 different technologies, according to BuiltWith.

Some examples of this are Viewport Meta, iPhone/Mobile Compatibility, and Scalable Presentation Format.


Jonathan Shaw

Jonathan started Nuru, and he is now in charge of running it as its CEO.

Jonathan moved to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2017 after getting his degree from the University of Michigan.

Archip Lobo

Archip Lobo is the Chief Operating Officer and a co-founder of Nuru.

The main office of Archip is now in Kinshasa, DRC.

Investors & Funding Rounds

EDFI ElectriFi, Energy Access Ventures, Aster VC, Gaia Impact Fund

Nuru has gotten $5 million in funding throughout four investment rounds.

The last time they raised money, it was for a Venture.

Four investors have given money to help Nuru get started.

Proparco and the Electrification Financing Initiative are two of the most recent investors.

Similar Companies


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