Let’s learn coloring by painting a drawing of spiderman on a motorbike using different colors. This fun and easy-peasy coloring tutorial teach kids to use different colors to paint a drawing. It also teaches kids the different color names in french.
Print the spiderman on a bike drawing, like the one shown below to use during the drawing tutorial.
1. A printout of spiderman on a bike drawing
2. Colouring supplies
Now let’s start the coloring!
Video Tutorial: Let’s Color the Spiderman
Let’s color Spiderman’s suit.
Step 1: First use red color to paint the head part, neck, shoulders, and arms, leaving out the eyes.
Step 2: Also, use red color to paint the front part with a back stripe and the spider drawings on the back of the suit and the motorbike.
Step 3: Color Spiderman’s boots using red color as well. The red color is called rouge in french.
Step 4: Use blue to paint the remaining part of spiderman’s suit leaving out the eyes.
Let’s color the motorbike.
Step 5: Use the blue color again to paint the body, seat, and wheel disc of the motorbike leaving out the front lights and the windscreen. The blue color is called bleu in french.
Step 6: Use black color to paint the wheels of the motorbike. In french, the color black is called noir.
Step 7: Use yellow color to paint the back wheel rotor, front suspension, fender, tail light, and the gearbox. The yellow color is called Jaune in french.
Step 8: Use black color again to paint the downside panel and footrest.
Step 9: Use light orange color to paint the windscreen, rear fender, and the upper side fairings with the spider drawing.
Finally, we have colored Spiderman on a motorbike drawing! Spiderman is ready for takeoff!
Find things around you that have the colors we have used in this tutorial and share your knowledge with your family and friends.