Jisort Cloud Banking: Easing the Pain of Running SACCOs

Financial institutions just like other businesses have been transformed by Technology and Automation.

Through Jisort and Loan book, the financial institutions have been able to run their operations with up to a third of their original workforce.

Clerical officers and accountants have been retrained to serve as customer experience associates, credit officers, and other customer-facing roles. Effectively this has helped these financial institutions to be responsive to customers’ needs.

Jisort and Loan book by bare minimum can

Automate loan appraisal process, the platform analyzes data within a second and correctly appraises a loan application. 

  • Loan Disbursement – the platform can disburse every approved loan without further human intervention
  • Loan Servicing – The platform keeps track of loan payments, sends out reminders and demand notes for overdue accounts.
  • Payment Processing – The platform can process loan payments, bill payments, checks, bank deposits, card check out in any currency.
  • Book Keeping and Accounting – The platform offers real-time bookkeeping, transactions are processed and posted in real-time. The platform performs bookkeeping tasks including bank reconciliations and generates all the relevant accounting reports.
  • Financial Reporting – The platform is equipped with international standard financial reporting procedures and controls. Allow a business to access all standard financial reports such as Balance sheets, Trial Balances, Cashbook Statements in real-time.

The platform implementation success varies from organization to organization. Some of the factors that affect implementation success include:

Operational capacity 

How well the institution is equipped for success. Are operation structures in place even before the adoption of the platform? The platform basically expedites operational success, a thriving organization will thrive 3 times faster and higher with the platform in place. A dying one will also die 3 times faster with the platform in place.

Competent Human resource

The platform best works with competent human resources.

Training and Certification

The platform just like other enterprise solutions requires properly trained and certified operators to fully harness full automation power.

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