How to Teach English Online in South Africa

Since the early 2000s, English has become the global language of business and education. For many people, being able to speak English fluently is a key to success. 

In South Africa, where 11 official languages are spoken, teaching English online has become a popular way to help people learn the language and generate an income.

Whether you are a native speaker or a second-language learner yourself, there are opportunities to teach English online in South Africa. 

With a growing number of online learners, the demand for qualified English teachers is high. 

In this guide, you will learn: 

  • Why teaching English online in South Africa can be a great way to earn some extra money and help people improve their language skills
  • How to get your first teaching job, including the different types of jobs available and requirements for each one. 

Why teach English online in South Africa? 

The number of people learning English as a second language is increasing yearly. And with the rise of the internet, there are more opportunities than ever to teach English online.

a). Go Global

There are many reasons why you should consider teaching English online in South Africa. 

The first reason is that you can reach a global audience. You’ll be able to connect with students from all over the world and help them learn English.

b). Way to make money online

Another reason to teach online is that it’s a flexible way to earn an income. You can set your own hours and work around your schedule. 

And since you’ll be working from home, you’ll save on transportation and office space costs.

c). Share your knowledge

At the same time, teaching online is a great way to share your knowledge and experience of South Africa with others. And again, you can get paid for doing it! 

d). Make a difference 

Teaching online is also a chance to make a difference in the lives of your students. 

You will be able to help them learn English and get ready for school and university. And you can do it from the comfort of your own home. 

Are you excited to get started?

What you need: requirements and qualifications

In order to teach English online in South Africa, there are a few requirements and qualifications that you will need. 

First, you will need a TEFL certificate or equivalent. 

What is TEFL? 

A TEFL certificate is a certificate issued by any accredited TEFL university. It confirms that you have undergone the necessary training to be allowed to teach English abroad. 

It also provides you with a portfolio of your teaching experience and qualifications, which can be used to apply for jobs around the world. 

Secondly, you should have at least a year of teaching experience, preferably in an online setting. 

Finally, it is also beneficial if you are familiar with the South African culture and educational system. 

With these requirements and qualifications, you will be well on your way to teaching English online in South Africa!

Where to find students: advertising your services

There are many ways to find students who are interested in learning English online in South Africa. 

One way is to post ads on online classified websites such as Gumtree or OLX. 

Another way is to join online communities for English language learners and teachers, such as those on Facebook or LinkedIn. 

You can also search for online tutoring platforms that connect tutors with students from all over the world, such as Tutorify or VIPKid. 

Let’s discuss each in a little detail, shall we?

a). Advertise your services online

One way to get students is to put ads on classified sites. This can be a great way to reach a wide audience of potential students.

When creating your ad, be sure to include information about your experience and qualifications as an English teacher. 

You should also include your rates and contact information. Be sure to check the site’s terms of service before posting your ad.

b). Join online communities

When you join online communities, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. With so many different people from all walks of life, you’re bound to find someone who’s looking for an English tutor.

Joining online communities also allows you to connect with other language learners and teachers. This is a great way to network and find new opportunities for teaching English online in South Africa.

Plus, you can learn more about the English language and culture. This is a great way to improve your own language skills while also helping others learn more about your culture and language.

c). Search online tutoring platforms

There are many online English tutoring platforms available. You can search for them by doing a simple online search. 

Some of these platforms are free, while others charge a fee. The fees charged vary depending on the platform and the services they offer.

When choosing an online English tutoring platform, consider your needs and budget. 

See, some platforms offer a variety of features, such as video chat and group chat, while others may only offer basic features. 

It is also important to consider the number of students you would like to tutor. Some platforms allow you to tutor one-on-one, while others allow you to tutor a group of students.

That said, here are some of the best tutoring platforms in South Africa:

Now that you know how to find clients, how about we take care of how to actually deliver?

How to teach: creating lesson plans

When it comes to teaching online, there is no one size fits all approach. Lesson plans provide a framework for teachers to deliver instruction, while also giving them the flexibility to adjust as needed based on the needs of their students. 

While creating lesson plans may seem daunting at first, with a little planning and practice, it will become second nature. 

Here are a few tips on how to create lesson plans that will engage and challenge your students.

Why lesson planning is important

Most effective educators agree that lesson planning is an essential part of teaching. 

A well-crafted lesson plan will help you organize your material, keep students engaged, and ensure that learning objectives are met. 

Lesson planning also allows you to anticipate questions and plan for transitions between activities. 

While it may take some time to create a detailed lesson plan, the effort is worth it. 

By taking the time to plan your lessons, you can save time in the long run and be confident that your students are getting the most out of their education.

The process of creating a lesson plan

When creating a lesson plan, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

First, you need to determine the objective of the lesson. What do you want your students to learn? 

Once you have the objective, you can start planning the activities. What will help your students reach the objective?

It is also important to think about how much time you have for the lesson. You don’t want to try to cram too much into one lesson. 

Make sure you leave time for students to ask questions and get clarification if needed.

Once you have the objective and activities planned, it’s time to write out the lesson plan. This doesn’t need to be overly detailed but should give an overview of what will happen during the lesson. 

Include any handouts or materials you’ll need as well as any instructions for setting up activities. 

Finally, you may want to include the time needed for each activity and any transitions that will be needed so you can stay on schedule.

English lesson plan template

I like to keep my lesson plans simple, but complete. In order to do this, I use a template. This is a Word document that I fill in as I plan each lesson.  It includes the following sections: 

  • Title of Lesson: This includes the name of the activity or unit. I try to keep this short and descriptive so it’s easy to see what will be covered. 
  • Objective: This is a one or two-sentence description of what students will do. It should be very specific and focus on the main point of the lesson.  
  • Materials: I include only the materials that are needed for the lesson along with any instructions for setup. 
  • Procedures: This is a detailed list of all the steps involved in completing the objective. It includes any procedures that are not obvious and lists any alternative methods that students may use.  
  • Variations: I include variations for some activities to accommodate different learning styles or student abilities. 
  • Students’ Work: This is a list of the work that students will do. If there are any group activities, I include them here. 
  • Evaluation: I include any evaluation methods that I use, either during the lesson or at the end. 
  • References: I include a list of references for further reading. These may include books, journals, articles, and websites. I also include any additional materials that I need to buy or that are needed for the lesson. These might be texts or photocopied handouts from previous lessons. 

What to consider when creating engaging lesson plans

When creating engaging lesson plans, there are a few key things to keep in mind. 

First, consider your audience and what will resonate with them. It’s important to make sure the lesson is relevant and interesting to your students. 

Secondly, think about how you can mix up the delivery of the material to keep things fresh and engaging. This could include incorporating group work, hands-on activities, or multimedia elements. 

Finally, don’t forget to assess student understanding along the way and make adjustments as needed. 

Follow these tips to create English lesson plans that will capture your students’ attention and help them learn more effectively.

Tips and tricks: making the most of online teaching

There are many online teaching opportunities in South Africa. Here are some tips and tricks to make the most of online teaching: 

1. Use a variety of platforms and resources

There are many different online platforms and resources available for English teachers. Utilize as many as possible to give your students a well-rounded education.

2. Get to know your students

One of the best things about online teaching is getting to know your students from all over the world. Take the time to get to know their interests, backgrounds, and learning styles.

3. Be flexible with your schedule

With online teaching, you have the flexibility to work around your own schedule. This can be a great perk for those who want to travel or have other commitments outside of teaching.

4. Keep up with technology

Online teaching requires you to use technology more than face-to-face teaching. Learn about various tools that can make your teaching experience easier for you and your students. 

5. Be prepared

For online teaching, you need to be prepared for anything. It’s important to have a plan for any situation that might arise. Preparation can help make everything run smoothly. 

6. Find your teaching style

Some teachers are better at one-on-one mentoring, while others may be better at group teaching. 

Final thoughts

There are many ways to make a difference in the lives of others, and teaching English online in South Africa is one way to do so. It can be a rewarding experience for both the teacher and the students.

However, there are also some challenges that come with teaching English online in South Africa. 

One challenge is finding reliable internet connectivity in rural areas. Another challenge is dealing with time differences, as some students may be in different time zones.

Despite these challenges, teaching English online in South Africa can be a very rewarding experience. It is a great way to help others improve their language skills while also getting to know them and their culture better.

Teaching English online in South Africa FAQs

Yes, you can teach English online without a degree. There are many online English teaching programs that do not require a degree. However, having a degree may give you an advantage when applying for these programs.

This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on a number of factors, including the teacher’s experience, qualifications, and the country they are teaching in. Generally speaking, the average online English teacher salary in South Africa is R 240 000 per year or R 123 per hour. Entry-level positions start at R 214 500 per year, while most experienced workers make up to R 240 000 per year.

You can certainly teach English online without a TEFL certificate, but it may be more difficult to find students or clients willing to pay for your services. Many people who are looking for English tutors prefer to work with someone who has been certified in teaching English as a foreign language. However, if you are a native English speaker with strong language skills, you may still be able to find clients willing to pay for your services.

There are a few ways you can go about teaching English online, even if you don’t have any experience. You could start by offering to tutor someone for free, in order to get some practice teaching. You could also look for online resources that offer tips and advice for teaching English online, such as this one from the British Council.

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