If you or your children (if you are a parent) adore emojis, you will undoubtedly enjoy this tutorial. Using a Step by Step Emoji Drawing and Coloring Guide, this lesson will show kids how to draw emojis in the simplest way possible.
To make it easier, you can print our guide for use during the drawing process.

1. Pencil or black marker
2. Paper
3. Colouring supplies
It’s time for some emoji drawing and coloring!
Video Tutorial: How To Draw and Color Emojis for Kids
Let’s draw and color the smiley face emoji.
Step 1: Draw a circle as the face with open eyes and a thin, closed smile. This is the smiley face emoji. Use a sky blue color to paint the smiley face.
Let’s draw and color the angry face emoji.
Step 2: Draw a circle as the face with open eyes and a frowning mouth like a down-facing bracket ). Draw the eyebrows scrunched downward in anger as shown below. This is the angry face emoji. Use a red color to paint the angry face.
Let’s draw and color the hushed face emoji.
Step 3: Draw a circle as the face with small, open eyes, raised eyebrows, and a small, open mouth. This is the hushed face emoji. Use yellow color to paint the hushed face.
Let’s draw and color the yummy face emoji.
Step 4: Draw a circle as the face with open eyes and a broad, closed smile with its tongue sticking out of one corner. This is the yummy face emoji. Use a grey color to paint the yummy face and pink color to paint the tongue.
Let’s draw and color the smiling with glasses face emoji.
Step 5: Draw a circle as the face with open eyes and a thin, closed smile. Draw big glasses around the eyes as shown below. This is the smiling face with glasses emoji. Use orange color to paint the smiling face with glasses.
Let’s draw and color the face with tongue emoji.
Step 6: Draw a circle as the face with open eyes and a flat, closed mouth. Draw a U-shaped tongue sticking out of the closed mouth. This is the face with tongue emoji. Use a blue color to paint the face and pink color to paint the tongue.
Let’s draw and color the crying face emoji.
Step 7: Draw a circle as the face with open eyes, a single tear falling from one of its eyes, and a crumpled mouth. This is the crying face emoji. Use pink color to paint the crying face and blue color to paint the teardrop.
Let’s draw and color the sad face emoji.
Step 8: Draw a circle as the face with open eyes and a frowning mouth like a down-facing bracket ). This is the sad face emoji. Use a green color to paint the angry face.
Let’s draw and color the slanted smile face emoji.
Step 9: Draw a circle as the face with smiling eyes and a slanted smile. This is the slanted smile face emoji. Use a brown color to paint the slanted smile face.
That’s all the emojis for this tutorial. What colors did you learn? Which other emojis would you like to see? Write your answer in the comments section.
Remember practice makes perfect, so keep practicing to perfect your drawing. Also, share your drawing with your family and friends.