Grainpulse Limited was started because people wanted to make a difference in the lives of farmers in Uganda. All of their hopes, dreams, and ideas have come together to make an amazing business that they can be very proud of.
They are the first company in Uganda to give farmers access to the market by buying their crops like coffee, cereals, and pulses. They also make high-quality fertilizer mixes for each crop. This not only makes it possible to run a business in a greener and more energy-efficient way, but it also cuts down on the time it takes for agricultural goods to move through the processing value chain.
The ultimate goal of Grain Pulse is to become the most trusted source of food and nutrition in Africa.
The other goal of Grain Pulse is to help local farmers write down and sell their sustainable farming methods by giving them advanced agronomic solutions and helping them reach more customers.
Grain pulse has always been committed to the values of honesty, putting the customer first, doing a good job, and working as a team. This has made it a leader in Uganda’s agriculture industry. They offer a wide range of agricultural goods and services.
Additionally, Grainpulse wants to increase national yields by giving farmers high-quality with the help of the K+S Group as well as giving them access to new markets and fair, competitive pricing.
They also help promote value development all along the value chain by working with farmer groups and other interested parties.
How it Works
Coffee Exports
Exporters can use Grainpulse to get help with collecting, storing, processing, and loading coffee. Grainpulse Limited was started in 2002 as Savannah Commodities Company Limited. It is now a fully-owned subsidiary of Grainpulse.
The business started with a single milling unit that could handle 13,800 metric tonnes of green coffee per year. Eight years later, it added a second plant that could handle 23,000 metric tonnes and grew its business.
Grain Processing & Storage
Grain pulse offers services to help people gather, store, and process grains. With the building of a Grain Handling and Trading Plant (GHTP) in Mukono, Grainpulse has opened a new grain division.
This makes it easier to sell different things to local and regional customers, like food banks, breweries, livestock farmers, millers, hospitals, schools, and governments. Corn, barley, maize, cassava, and sorghum are all used to make flour.
Grain & Animal Feed Milling
Grainpulse has noticed that there are chances for the company to grow in the part of the agricultural industry that adds value.
Grain pulse is a maize mill that also does food and animal feed fortification. Grain pulse is an important part of the agriculture industry and is used everywhere from farms to restaurants.
Agro Inputs- Fertilizer Blends
Grainpulse has set up the country’s first fertilizer blending and bagging facility. The goal is to give Ugandan farmers balanced crop nutrition by mixing basic fertilizers locally to make fertilizer mixes.
When Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potassium are mixed dry and physically, the right mixtures are made without changing the chemical parts in any way.
The new blending and bagging machines came from Yargus Manufacturing Inc. in the United States, which is the world leader in making equipment for mixing fertilizer.
The equipment can make 300,000 metric tonnes of fertilizer mixes every year, so Uganda will always have enough.
Grainpulse sells quality fertilizer mixes for specific crops in 10kg, 25kg, and 50kg containers at fair prices.
The goal of Grainpulse’s agronomy and consulting services is to help smallholder farmers get the best crop yields possible.
At Grainpulse, they have Agronomists who can give you advice and show you how to improve your crop yields. The people on the team are committed to building relationships with everyone in the agricultural value chain, from farmers and extension workers to distributors and non-governmental organizations, that are good for everyone.
The Grainpulse Agronomy and Advisory services team could learn from what worked and what didn’t work with the Growth for Uganda project to spread knowledge sustainably.
Hannington Karuhanga

Hannington Karuhanga is the founder and Chairman of Grainpulse.
Investors & Funding Rounds
IFC and the Private Sector Window of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP)
IFC gave Grain pulse a loan of $11 million to help it grow and improve its farmer supply chain through the Private Sector Window of GAFSP.
The company should be able to reach about 200,000 smallholders like Nansasi, up from about 20,000. This will help improve food production and economic growth in Uganda thanks to GAFSP’s investment and consulting services.
It’s also helping Grainpulse grow into a shop for farmers by giving them access to a wide range of services that are tailored to the needs of farmers who grow popular regional goods like the ones Nansasi grows.
On top of that, Grain pulse will be able to turn maize into animal feed with the help of the IFC.
Improving the economic situation of smallholders is key to Grainpulse’s long-term success and gives opportunities to the people who ensure Uganda’s food security with ongoing training.
Main Competitors
ELSE Nutrition: This is a company that specializes in food and nutrition, and makes packaged foods.
Huel: The foods at Huel have a good range of nutrients.
Simris: It makes its unique parts from microalgae that have been grown in a lab instead of using fish or other sea creatures.
AZA (BitPesa): Story, Founders, Investors & Funding Rounds